80 kg 2nd, 3rd burns 40% TBSA. Initial rate
Atrial Myxoma
tumor on right side heart growing on atrial septum. Surgical excision + MVR. Diastolic murmur disappears when lying on side
Mid systolic click
Mitral valve prolapse. Apex. No treatment
Inclusion bodies on biopsy for colitis
CMV, transplant. Ganciclovir
Bleeding while on. Antidote
ASA: platelets
plavix: platelets, desmopressin
coumadin: FPP, K, PCC
Heparin: if bleeding give blood. Wait if not bleeding
factor xa inhibitors: activated charcoal if in 2 hours
direct thrombin inhibitors: responds to hemodialysis
chylous ascites on paracentesis
lymphatic injury or destruction
Lymphoma or any retroperitoneal obstruction. High TG
Pt with von wille brand
bleeding time abnormality
desmopressin, cryopreciptate
Tardive Dyskinesia
1st gen antipsychotics
treatment with benztropine, diphenhydramine
nosebleed unresponsive from nasal packing
posterior, sphenopalatine artery
Transplant rejection
hyperacute: seconds. ABO. HLA. Immediate removal
acute: days/months. T cell mediated. Immunosuppression/steroids. Diagnosis with biopsy to differentiate from chronic.
chronic: months/years. Gradual fibrosis, loss of function. Retransplant
Pediatric cardiac anomalies
Local Anesthesics
Esters (1 i) and Amides
Esters more prone to allergic
ulcerative conjunctivitis: herpes
diabetic with cotton wool spot. Sudden eye pain: central retinal vein occlusion
Atherosclerotic, painless: artery occlusion
Pt with MS, painful loss of vision: optic neuritis
Carpel Tunnel
compression median nerve
PE: tinnel, phalen
work up: EMG is indirect. Don't pick. Pick nerve conduction study
treatment: nsaids, splinting, then CTR
apocrine (arm pits, groin, but) inflammation
treatment: indomethacin. Prostaglandins to open
MOA: cox inhibitor
Temporal arteritis
headache, jaw pain, eye pain, temporal artery pain
steroids first, then biopsy
Atypical Lung
aspergillosis: halo sign with pulmonary nodules, hemoptysis, dense consolidation on CXR
Practice Questions
focal nodular hyperplasia: CT liver lesion with central scar
choledochal cyst: cystic dilation of bile duct. Surgical excision
pancreatic cystadenoma: premalignant. Distal pancreatectomy
12 yo fall. PE is good. Xray c spine next.
low dose heparin or lovenox for DVT prior to surgery
penile cancer
Melanoma: wide local exision. Cut off fingers
needle localized open biopsy or stereotactic if no lump palpable for breast cancer. FNA if palpable mass
compartment syndrome: passive movement of the great toe
Last updated
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