14 Allergies


  • path: IgE mediated, exposure to trigger causes mast cell cross linking/degranulation. Histamine releases that mediates reaction

3 types for acute:

  • anaphylaxis

  • urticaria

  • Angioedema


  • symptoms: urticaria (rash) all over body + hypotension, wheezing, loss of airway

  • diagnosis: clinical

  • treatment

    • epinephrine 1:1000 IM ASAP

    • H1/H2 blockers for histamine relief

    • Steroids: lessen immune reaction


  • symptoms: wheal, whelt, erythema, no hypotension

  • diagnosis: clinical

  • treatment

    • usually self limiting: observe, topical antihistamines

    • rule out anaphylaxis

  • Case: someone with bee sting. Treat anaphylaxis if present. Otherwise treat urticaria


  • symptoms: Swelling airway and wheezing. No hypotension or rash

  • Always with ACE I use

  • diagnosis: clinical

  • treatment

    • secure airway

    • H1/H2 blockers

    • Steroids

    • rule out C1 esterase deficiencies: give FFP


  • allergic rhinitis

  • allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic Rhinitis

  • Triggers: seasonal (weed, pollon) or perinneal (around all the time, smoking, dusts, pets)

  • symptoms

    • allergic shiners and salute

    • pale, boggy mucosa; polyps in nose

    • cobblestoning from postnasal drip

  • diagnosis

    • clinical only

    • RAST and skin testing only when refractory or for desensitization

  • treatment

    • avoiding triggers

    • intranasal steroids

    • H2 > H1

  • Allergic Rhinitis

pale, boggy mucosa, and polyps:


  • Allergic rhinitis

Allergic shiners are dark circles under the eyes caused by congestion of the nose and sinuses. They're usually described as dark, shadowy pigments that resemble bruises:

The allergic salute is the characteristic and sometimes habitual gesture of wiping and/or rubbing the nose in an upwards

Allergic Conjunctivitis

  • same path, diagnosis, treatment as rhinitis

  • symptoms: shiners, injection, chemises (swelling)

Food allergies

  • Usually outgrow: wheat, soy, milk, eggs

  • May carry throughout life and cause anaphylaxis: shellfish, nuts

  • symptoms: NVD, look for other allergy signs (asthma, atopic dermatitis). Can cause anaphylaxis

  • diagnosis: food trial: withdraw all agents, introduce one at a time

  • treatment: avoid triggers, epi

Milk Protein Allergy

  • path allergy to soy

  • symptoms: NVD, bloody bowel movement. Failure to thrive despite feeding adequate amounts

  • diagnosis: clinical

  • treatment: change formula to cow's milk, breastfeed, hydrolyzed formula

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