Trichomonas Vaginalis

_Can be distinguished from other flagellated protozoa in that it lacks a cyst form

– the organism is sexually transmitted and rarely leaves its host.

_Women can become an asymptomatic carrier or present with acute vaginitis (burning, pruritis, dysuria, and frequency).

Vaginal exam of women infected shows an erythematous, "strawberry" cervix.

Produces a green, foul-smelling vaginal discharge. (frothy discharge)

_Diagnosis is made via laboratory testing that may include

  • Visualization of pear-shaped flagellated trichomonads on wet mount

  • motile trophozoites (classically called "corkscrew" motility) due to flagellated movement.

  • Positive culture

  • Positive nucleic acid amplification test

  • Rapid antigen or DNA hybridization probe test

Trichomonas vs gardnerella

_Key distinguishing features of each infection are listed below:

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