Neuro Exam
Mental Status
conscious, unconscious, coma, yawning, sweating, intubated, sedated
Awake: alert
Stuperous: drunk but still awake
Obtunded: passed out, responds to stimuli
Coma: passed out, not responsive
Cadence: response time/rhythm
Orientation: AOX3 not helpful, ask about hobbies, recent news
Hallucination: ask if bothered or acts on them
Calculations: how many quarters in $2.25
visual acuity
visual fields: which side moves with hands
Fundoscopy: look for papilledema. Right side, right eye, right hand with scope, left hand on shoulder. Turn light to 30%
direct, consensual response, convergence
CN 3, 4, 5
saccades: smooth eye movementents
length: how far can go before stop and start again
velocity: how quickly
decreased length and velocity in Huntington
Double vs Blurry Vision
Double vision: focused, not aligned
blurry vision: not focused
CN 5
open mouth: lateral pterygoid
if there's lesion, jaw will be pulled to side of lesion
blink reflex: wet cotton, bed sheet edges
CN 7
LMN: nerve, forehead wrinkled
UMN: brain problem, forehead smooth
CN 9/10
check both palate sides with Qtip
top of uvula deviates away from lesion
don't have to check gag reflex on everyone
CN 11
tongue out, look faor fasciculus
look for atrophy, fasciculus, strength, bradkinesia
Motor exam:
0: no strength
1: no range
2: full range. Weaker than gravity. Can't lift, can't hold
3: equal to gravity. Can't lift but can hold up to gravity
4: stronger than gravity, not normal
5: normal
spasticity vs rigidity: spasticity in stroke. Rigidity just stiff
protonator drift: protonates + falling arm
finger nose finger: fully extend arm. If tremorous, touch chin
heel shin: laying down most official. Heel on shin, go down, move back to shin.
Romberg: needs visual correction, feet sensation, cerebellar correction
primary: sensation disrupted, B12, DM
secondar: CNS
0: nothing
2: normal
4: clonus, repeated sustained beats
Babinski: back to front
light touch: use fingers on both sides, ask which side touched. Pt close eyes
pin prick: Q tip in halves
temperature: use tuning fork
vibration: start at. foot, big toe, count to 11. If not present, check maleolus, knee, thumb, wrist, elbow, shoulder
Graphesthesia: face same as patient, write letter/number
stereognosia: things in hand
2 point: Q tip, same time
join position: grab big toe/thumb, move up/down
Last updated
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