02 Gm Positive Bacilli
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Air bellow : obligate aerobe
Large ships in chain: Large gram positive rods in chains
Leather armor with buckles: Protein capsule composed of poly-D-glutamic acid
Walnuts, like seeds: Spore forming
Sheep: "Wool sorters disease"- classically causes pulmonary infection in those who work with wool. Spores stay in wools for long time
Black ground and flame: Most common manifestation of infection is cutaneous black eschar
Large axe with blood: Pulmonary infection may lead to pulmonary hemorrhage
Ship with wide mast: Widened mediastinum on chest x-ray if pulmonary infection.,
Shield with EF: Edema factor
viking tent: Edema factor acts by causing elevation in cAMP
LF shield: Lethal factor
Burning map: Map kinase, burned and turned into eschar. Lethal factor responsible for tissue necrosis
Pink flower: Flouroquinolone treatment
Bicycle: Tetracycline treatment
Viking reheating rice and vomiting: B.cereus classically causes vomiting after eating reheated rice.,
purple color: gram positive
Walnuts: Spore forming
Gas mask: Obligate anaerobe
Pots of earth on ground: Spores found in soil
Nails: Endospores transmitted via puncture wound from rusty nail (construction zone)
Barbed wire: Endospores transmitted via puncture wound from barbed wire (construction zone)
Evil monkey smiling: Lock jaw symptoms and facial spasms (risus sardonicus (evil grin))
Monkey extend back: Opisthotonus, muscle spasms cause arched back
Orange syringe: Vaccine consists of deactivated toxin (same color orange), not the bacteria
Scissors on pulley: Tetanus toxin (not the organism) migrates to CNS via retrograde axonal transport
Snare trap: Tetanus toxin cleaves SNARE
G and G labs: Tetanus toxin cleaves SNARE preventing release of inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and Glycine, inhibit inhibitors = uncontrolled firing
Wrench and saw: Tetanus toxin inhibits inhibitory neurotransmitter release from Renshaw cells in spinal cord
violet color: gm +
mechanical nuts: Spore forming
gas mask: Obligate anaerobe
Canned robot shape: Transmitted by improperly canned, insufficient heating of home canned food, allow spore survival and heat production (family developing neuro symptoms)
Robots heads and torso going limp: Descending flaccid paralysis (Guillian Barre ascending) (multiple people with symptoms = botulism)
Only affects PNS, not CNS because can't cross BBB
Droopy robot eyelids: Ptosis
Oil: Infantile bolulism transmitted via honey ingestion
Baby robot flaccid: "Floppy baby"
Adults ingest spores directly ok because anaerobes outcompete in GI. Babies have low GI anaerobe flora
Ach power supply: Botulism toxin prevents acetylcholine release (excitatory) at neuromuscular junction
Scissor cutting: protease cutting SNARE
Adults symptoms by ingest toxins; baby symptoms by ingest spores
Gas mask: Obligate anaerobe
Walnuts: Spore forming
Apples: Exotoxin A
Brushing apple: Exotoxin A attaches to brush border
Chocolate syrup: Watery diarrhea
Shoe from chocolate syrup: Toxin detected in stool
Clean hand sign: Clindamycin: C. Diff infection after antibiotic use
B sign: Exotoxin B
Kid picking apart actins: Exotoxin B disrupts cytoskeleton by depolymerizing actin. Inactivates Rho regulatory protein. Loss of intracellular tight junction = cell rounding
Membrane on right: Pseudomembranous colitis
Tongue looking van: Oral vancomycin for treatment
metro train: IV metronidazole for treatment
Gas mask: Obligate anaerobe
double fine zone: Double zone of hemolysis when plated in anaerobe environment
Anaerobic culture of Clostridium perfringens on blood agar. The characteristic double zone of clear beta-hemolysis around a colony is clearly seen (arrow).
Walnut and pots : Spores found in soil
Private fell of motorcycle: Infection associated with motorcycle accidents and other major trauma
Private: Infection associated with deep penetrating military wounds
Slow sign in puddle: May cause slow onset diarrhea; spores have to germinate first before cause diarrhea, not preformed
Gas from motor cycle: Causes "gas gangrene", causes crepitus when palpate. Metabolizes carbohydrates, producing the gas.
alpha flag on bob pins: Alpha-toxin, lecithinase (phospholipase), disrupts cell membrane function
tomatoes on ground smashed: Alpha-toxin also has hemolytic activity
Pencil: Penicillin treatment
purple hue: gram positive
Guy playing with toys, zig zag lines: Metachromatic granules (red and blue). Club shaped rods in V or Y formation
Guy with bow tie playing elongating piano: ADP ribosylation of elongation factor 2, inhibits protein synthesis, cell death, pseudomembrane
Candy with plastic wrap: Pseudomembrane on throat and tonsils
Bull: Bull neck
Heart shaped cape block bull: Cardiotoxic effects: myocarditis, arrhythimia, heart block
Guy eating sausages shaped like nerves: Demyelination causes nerve deficits starting in posterior oropharynx
Fibrinous exudate → systemic circulation → cortical neurons: This is the route that diphtheria toxin takes from the pseudomembranous exudate it forms in the pharynx to the bloodstream and subsequently to cardiac and cerebral cortical tissues.
Droplets from bull's mouth: Transmitted by respiratory droplets
Tele screen: Plated on Tellurite agar
Kid watching and laughing: "Plated on Loeffler's medium"
Bull licking: Elek's test, differentiate toxin variant
Syringes: Inactivated pertussis toxoid vaccine, IgG
Treatment: administer IVIG
Cat: Catalase positive
Falling tree: Tumbling motility
Beta bulb: Beta hemolytic
Actin rocket half in and out: Facultative anaerobic bacterium
Ice on window: Motile with flagella at 30 degrees and below
Actin rocket: At body temperature, motile by actin polymerization, or "actin rockets"
Pregnant woman: May be acquired transvaginally- pregnant women may be advised not to eat soft cheese
Milk: Transmitted from dairy products
Cheese: Transmitted by consumption of certain of cheeses
Santa: Infection also prevalent in elderly population
Baby with helmet: Common cause of neonatal meningitis
Amplifier: Treatment with ampicillin
gas mask: Obligate anaerobe, nocardia is aerobe
Tree branching, violet wrap: Gram positive filamentous rod
Yellow rocks: Yellow sulfur granules
Canal draining: Formation of sinus tracts. Draining sinus tract
Jaw wrap: Infection associated with jaw trauma
Pencil: Treat with penicillin
NH3 spray bottle: Urease positive
Branching tree: Gram-positive branching filamentous rod. - Similar to actinomyces
air bellow: Obligate aerobe
Cow boy cloth with tails: Mycolic acids with two tails
cat: Catalase positive, pts with CGD at increased risk
Fast drawing of gun: Partially acid fast, carbo fuscia stain
Cactus pot broken: Found in soil
Cane: Immunocompromised especially affected
Coughing: Pneumonia like symptoms
Bullet hitting chest: Associated with cavitary lesions in lung
Bullet leaving hole in hat: Brain abscess formation
Cow print with red around: Cutaneous symptoms- indurated lesions and inflammatory reaction
Rotten eggs: Treat with sulfonamides