
  • Dr. Minto: MS/headaches. Analgesic rebound headaches (ibuprofen)

  • Avoid for migraine:

    • processed meats

    • MSG (BBQ potato chips)

    • red dye (ghetorade)

    • chocolate

    • caffeine/energy drinks

    • sleep

  • Dr. Dees: movement disorder, Parkinson, describe tremor (Hz, frequencies). Pay attention to gait, arms, blinking before pt even walk in. Check rigidity with just wrist. Parkinson's plus (Lewy body, etc.), different treatment. Botox

  • Dr. Ochowa: seizure. Do not figure out how to read EEG. Know general description of spindle and absence.

  • Dr. Narutoku: seizures. Skeletal/muscle exams (foot drop). Nerves innervating different the myotomes

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