05 Gm Negative Respiratory Bacilli

Bordatella pertussis


  • coughing: Transmitted by respiratory droplets


  • red bow GI: pertussis toxin

  • EF Shield: like anthrax

  • Tractor: tracheal toxin


  • red and blow strings: Filamentous hemagglutinin, pili used to attach to respiratory epithelium and release toxin


  • bow and GI (military) in wheel chair: Pertussis toxin rirosylates Gi, disables Gi

  • army camp: Pertussis toxin increases cAMP


  • popcorn overflowing: Lymphocytosis due to loss of chemotaxis


  • EF shield: Adenylate cyclase toxin: acts like Anthracis EF toxin, increase cAMP


  • tractor cleaves grass: Tracheal toxin, peptidoglycan wall, damages ciliated cell of respiratory epithelium


  • Catarrhal phase: nonspecific, 1-2 weeks, conjunctival injection, lacrimation

  • whoop horn: Paroxysmal stage: Whooping cough

  • Victory banner: 100 day cough: convalescent stage can last for months, 3 months


  • crow: Macrolide treatment

  • cell phone: DTaP vaccine has acellular Pertussis antigens

Haemophilus Influenza


  • Phyllis: haemophilus

  • red color: gm negative

  • candy: Coccobacillary shape

  • chocolate on window: Grown on chocolate agar

  • 5 cent, nickle: factor V (nicotinamide) (NAD) added to chocolate agar (staph aureus with sheep blood)

  • 10 c: Factor X (hematin) added to chocolate agar

  • aerosol spray: Aerosol transmission

  • capsule with bee: encapsulated with type B

  • IgA protease


  • child screaming and drooling: Epiglottitis, inflammed epiglottis, inspiratory stridor, drooling

  • chocolate covered cherries, kid with icecream and cherry: Cherry red epiglottis

  • stuffed ear: Otitis media

  • meningitis kid: Meningitis in children

  • capsule with bee: Strains with type B vaccine cause meningitis


  • syringe: Vaccine for H. flu type B

  • Dip: Vaccine is polysaccharide conjugated to Diphtheria toxoid

  • $2.18: Vaccine for ages 2-18 months


  • sickle: Increased risk of infection in sickle cell or asplenic patients


  • 3 axes: Ceftriaxone for meningitis or systemic disease

  • rifle: Rifampin prophylaxis for close contacts

Legionella pneumophila


  • red color but silver on top: Gram negative but needs silver stain to be visualized

  • piles of coal: Grown on charcoal yeast extract

  • iron anchor with cysteine: Growth requires presence of iron and cysteine

  • girl with ring: Oxidase positive


  • pontiac fever

  • legionnaire

Pontiac fever


  • Legionella

  • Pontiac car steaming: Pontiac fever: self limited fever and malaise

Legionnaire's disease

[_](legionnaire's disease demographics, symptoms)..

  • sailor smoking: Legionnaires' disease more common in smokers

  • coal flame: High fever >40 or >104

  • confused sailor with hurt head: May present with headache and confusion

  • sailor with paint all around: Pneumonia with diarrhea suggestive of Legionnaires' disease "


  • sailor urinating: Urine antigen test for rapid diagnosis

  • sailor wasting salt: Hyponatremia, <130

  • map: X-ray shows patchy infiltrate with consolidation of one lobe

[_](legionnaire's disease treatment)..

  • flower: Fluoroquinolone may also be used for treatment

  • crows: Macrolides for fever

Last updated