03 Adrenal Gland

Adrenal Gland Anatomy and Embryology

Adrenal gland blood supply



_Outer capsule, cortex, and medulla..


  • Cortex: makes the corticoids

  • Medulla is like a massive nerve. Also secretes dopamine

_Germ Cell Layers:..

Chromaffin Cells

_Neuroendocrine cells found mostly in the medulla of the adrenal glands that secretes E and NE.,

_Neural crest derived..


  • mnemonic: GFR

Adrenal Gland Hormones

Zona Glomerulosa

_Makes mineralcorticoids.,



_Stimulated by ACTH to make cortisol.,

Aldosterone Synthase

_Stimulated by Ang II to make aldosterone.,

Zona Fasciculata

_Makes glucocorticoids.,


Zona Reticularis

_Makes androgens.,


17, 30 lyase double bonds at 17 position:



Mineral: minerals like Na/K. Corticoids: Made in the cortex


  • Increase Na channels and Na/K pumps: increase Na reabsorption, K secretion on principal cell

  • Increase H pump: increase H secretion on intercalated cell.,

Glucocorticoids aka Cortisol





Circadian Rhythm

_Circadian rhythm: Hormone is highest at morning to prepare for stress of the day.,

Cortisol Effects


  • Cortisol goes up in time of stress. Increases BP and necessary nutrients, and shuts down everything else..

BP Effects


Immune Effects


  • Suppress because don't need immune system in stress..

  • Glucocorticoids inhibit the production of IL-2, which is important for T-cell proliferation. Thus, pharmacologic doses of glucocorticoids prevent the rejection of transplanted organs.

  • The induction of synthesis of lipocortin, a phospholipase A2 inhibitor, leads to the inhibition of leukotriene and prostaglandin production.

_They exert these effects through several mechanisms:..

Glucose Effects


  • Hyperglycemia for energy needs

  • Glucocorticoids: makes glucose

Also enhances glucagon that offsets glycogen synthase effects.,

  • glucagon and epinephrine good for short term stress

Fat Effects


  • Activates lipolysis for energy but stimulates fat deposition chronically.,

Effects on muscles, skin, bones


  • Negative effects because don't need any of these in stress..


_Purple stretch marks in dermis that can be seen due to thinning of skin. Cortisol decreases fibroblast activity.,

Corticosteroid Drugs


  • oral prednisone often used for asthma, lupus, etc.

  • methylprednisolone is IV form of prednisone..



More important in females

Last updated