17 Lower Airway

Foreign Body Airway Obstruction

  • Path: foreign body

  • pt: < 3, go unattended, sudden onset dyspnea

  • symptoms

    • intrathoracic: in lung/bronchioles, expiratory wheezies (expiration closes airway)

    • extrathoracic: inspiratory stridor (extrathoracic airway closes) (ENT)

  • diagnosis

    • 2 view xray. Coin sign. Very difficult to see

      • In trachea: negative on AP, positive on lateral

      • Not in trachea: positive on AP

  • treatment

    • antibiotics

    • retrieve foreign body

      • Bronchoscopy if in lungs

      • endoscope if in GI

      • laryngoscope if ENT.,

  • FBAO = foreign body airway obstruction


  • path: obstructive, reversible, inducible with trigger

  • pt: norma pt with attacks

    • allergies, atopy, asthma

  • symptoms: wheezing, dyspnea

  • diagnosis

    • PFT: FEV1/FVC reduced

    • reversed with bronchodilators

    • induced with methacholines

  • treatment

    • avoid triggers

      • get rid of pets, carpets, pillows

      • smoking cessation

    • Increase in severity, add more meds

    • SABA, rescue inhaler

    • add short ICS

    • increased ICS dose, or add leukotriene antagonists

    • add LABA

    • last option: oral steroids


  • path: RSV

  • pt: < 2 yo, winter months

  • symptoms: wheezing, dypnea

  • clinical diagnosis

    • no xray ruleout pneumonia

    • no beta agonist ruleout asthma

    • no CBC ruleout sepsis

  • treatment

    • do not give beta agonist, steroids, abx

    • admit, give O2, fluids, symptoms peak at day 3-4

  • f/u

    • can progress to hypoxemia and ARDS.,


  • path: AR CFTR gene

  • symptoms

    • newborn: meconium ileum

    • older kid: recurrent pulmonary infections (bad cilia)

    • FTT: no pancreatic enzyme

    • mom: salty baby

  • diagnosis

    • prenatal screening

    • Screen + sweat Cl test

      • infant: > 40

      • older: > 60

  • treatment

    • lung: aggressive pulmonary toilet, pseudomonas abx

    • pancreas: pancreatic enzymes, ADEK

Last updated